Outdate from Dresden! This debut album will hit you with heavy Streetpunk and a taste of Hardcore!
1. The Damage Is Done
2. No Matter
3. Social Coldness
4. Worth Nothing
5. You Know Nothing
6. Set Sail
7. Salt In The Wound
8. Stranger
9. Hear Our Calls
10. No Solution
11. Done With You
12. We Want It All
Press info
Black Vinyl
Hersteller/Manufacturer: Angry Voice Records
Gewicht/Weight: 0.45 kg
Lieferzeit/Shipping time: 3-5 Tage/days*
Hersteller/Vendor: Angry Voice Records Oscar Kjellberg Strasse 8 03238 Finsterwalde, Germany, captain-hock@t-online.de
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