OMIXLH - Till the End - LP - black

  • Im Angebot
  • Normaler Preis €17,90

Brand new album from the Athens and Thessaloniki based Punx OMIXLH! 10 new streetpunk hymns directly from the streets of Greece, with gust vocals from David Rodriguez (The Casualties) & Franck Diman (BREAKOUT) ... fast, melodic and angry Punkrock... thats what you want, that's what you get!

Hersteller/Manufacturer: Under Attack Records, Punk'n'Loud Records, Emergency Records

Gewicht/Weight: 0.45 kg
Lieferzeit/Shipping time: 3-5 Tage/days*
Hersteller/Vendor: Under Attack Records c/o IP-Management #43817, Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 18 20459 Hamburg Deutschland,